par Katrien Degraeve | 24/11/22 | Non classifié(e)
When I heard Gudni Gunnarsson* saying yesterday, that manipulation is actually a very beautiful word, he sure got my attention… When we hear about manipulation, manipulating people, we immediately think the worst because we – at least I did- think about...
par Katrien Degraeve | 18/11/22 | Non classifié(e)
Why can’t we just ask for help like we ask someone at breakfast to pass us the butter? Why do we think we have to do everything by ourselves? Asking for help and helping out, 2 very complicated and treacherous zones in life. Let’s dive in a little deeper. Asking for...
par Katrien Degraeve | 11/11/22 | Non classifié(e)
We say: Thank You, Thanks, Cheers, Dank u wel, Danke schön, Merci, Grazie, Gracias, Efharisto, Tak, … We say it all the time and that’s a good thing! But do we actually think about what we’re saying? Do we feel gratitude while saying it? “It’s not happy people who are...