door Katrien Degraeve | 24/11/23 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Wherever you look, you see the Christmas decorations appearing everywhere. It looks nice and cozy most of the times :-), so what’s the harm? There is no harm as long as YOU feel good about it. As long as you feel, you can do what you like, and are not obliged to...
door Katrien Degraeve | 17/11/23 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
I heard dr. Wayne W. Dyer read these words from his book ‘Change your Thoughts, Change your Life’ and this made me pause. That is so true, I thought. There is so much discontentment, and that truly is a tragedy. So much would be resolved, so many people would finally...
door Katrien Degraeve | 9/11/23 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Being happy, being lucky, … is not something that just happens, you have to create the right circumstances to make it possible. I heard a nice comparison in one of the teachings of Bruno Lallement*: “If you want a beautiful rose, don’t focus on the rose, focus on the...
door Katrien Degraeve | 2/11/23 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
When I was listening to Bruno Lallement* today, what he said really resonated with me. He explained* so beautifully how: “As long as you hold on to your emotions, you’ll never know peace and calm in your mind and heart, you’ll never be your true self.” People always...