door Katrien Degraeve | 29/03/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Last week, we tackled the stuff in our house and I hope you’ve already done some decluttering so that you can feel why you are doing it. Once you get that feeling of space and brightness in your house, you’ll be motivated to continue on the path of decluttering. As...
door Katrien Degraeve | 21/03/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Shake off the ‘winter layers’, get rid of all the excess and BREATHE again!!!! Listen… do you hear the birds singing? Do you hear nature awakening? Can you see the first blossoms on the trees? This is my favorite season: everything comes to life again! I love it! You...
door Katrien Degraeve | 14/03/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Everybody is talking and writing about being present, about living in the moment, in the here and now … and maybe it’s beginning to sound a bit hollow, a bit fashionable and maybe we don’t give it any attention anymore. But shouldn’t we? “…The longest and the shortest...
door Katrien Degraeve | 1/03/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
I once read these 7 steps and as I found them so powerful, I would like to share my thoughts about them with you. Step 1: Serenity Being in a serene state gives you peace, makes you live in the moment, makes it possible to accept what life brings to you. I am not...