door Katrien Degraeve | 26/05/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
We all want to feel happy, we all want to feel free and the way to freedom is choosing the path of Love. Whenever we decide to look for the light in a person, in a situation, we return to the path of Love and there is where we’ll find our happiness. I know, we are...
door Katrien Degraeve | 19/05/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Never. Maybe you felt better for a brief, self-righteous moment, but then, afterwards, we feel empty, low in energy and alone. Then why do we keep judging everyone and everything, including ourselves? “Judgment prevents us from seeing the beauty beyond appearances*”....
door Katrien Degraeve | 13/05/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
We are all part of mankind, of nature. Therefor we can make a difference, we can influence the world. Choose to make it a better place, a warm home, a sanctuary for all life on earth. ‘If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely...
door Katrien Degraeve | 6/05/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
We all complain there is never enough time and because of that, we skip a lot of important things in our lives and this, all too often, leads to regret and pain. Let’s find out how we can avoid falling into this trap of our rush-rush, busy-busy life. We all have full...