door Katrien Degraeve | 28/10/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Everything we label, is in comparison to something else we have an opinion about in our mind. But we can choose what we compare it with! If you look at everything from this perspective, life can feel a lot different. A very famous quote by dr. Wayne W. Dyer describes...
door Katrien Degraeve | 21/10/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Whatever happened is not happening anymore so stop suffering because of it over and over again. How can you stop that circle of suffering in life? Decide NOW how you want to live the rest of your life. Make a clear vision of how you see yourself in your positive, kind...
door Katrien Degraeve | 13/10/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
What you do on a daily basis, becomes a habit and your habits define your life. Your habits are who you are. So, whenever you are not happy with what is going on in your life, look at your habits, look at what you’re doing on a regular basis. The good news is,...
door Katrien Degraeve | 7/10/22 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
We, human beings, are as much part of nature as everything else on the planet and yet we think we function differently…. What if we would try and live more in harmony with what we’re part of? We really are a one-of-a kind species, aren’t we? We think we know what’s...