door Katrien Degraeve | 31/05/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
I am kicking in an open door, when I say that, everything is moving fast, too fast. We have to be present all the time so that we do not miss out on a mail, a message, a photo posted on social media, the news, … We have to be ‘flexible’. We have to be able to adapt to...
door Katrien Degraeve | 24/05/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
I am so grateful for all the things that I have learned over the years, from my wonderful mentor, Courtney Carver*. She’s my go-to-example whenever I am in doubt whether I need something, or whether I need to let go of it. And I have learned that whenever you ask...
door Katrien Degraeve | 16/05/24 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
We so often read and hear about acceptance: “Accept what you cannot change.” But that may be easier said than done. Sometimes we feel that there is stuff we’ll never be able to accept. But let’s have a look at why accepting can only benefit us. Once you realize you’ll...