There is no time to do it all.
When we’re constantly ‘doing’, we forget ‘being’.
The meaning we’re giving the word ‘time’ in our lives is very ambiguous to say the least.
On the one hand:
We’re always ‘doing’.
We’re always busy.
We never have enough hours in a day to do all that is on our to-do list.
Everything needs to be done right now, today.
On the other hand, when it comes down to really ‘life-important’ stuff, about ‘being’, about living from the heart,
we seem to have all the time in the world:
I’ll do it later,
I’ll change my way of living when I….
Once … this or that, I’ll start being ….
Why are we such procrastinators
when it is about living a healthy, happy, simple, harmonious life?
when it is about ‘being’ in this world, instead of doing everything that’s on our, or other people’s, to-do list?
If not now, then when?
We can never know what is waiting around the corner, we have a false sense of control, a false sense of knowing how our life will continue to unfold itself.
But we have no clue whatsoever.
We don’t know what’s coming.
The only thing we can manage is:
How can I be right now?
How can I live my life, right now, in a way that I won’t have (m)any regrets?
What tiny steps can I take towards living according to my values, towards living from my Higher Self, towards more ‘being’?
Dr Christine Li, a procrastination coach, uses a workable acronym to overcome procrastinating.
The S stands for simplicity.
If you’ve been reading my blogs, my book ‘Less is Yes!, you’ll know that I am all for simplifying your life.
The less you have to stress about, the less you’ll stress.
That’s why I advocate:
get rid of all the things you don’t use, don’t need.
Simplify your overall way of living, and I mean every aspect of your life.
The more you simplify your life, the more space, the more time, the more energy you’ll have to actually be, to actually do the things that will make you live your life from your heart, from your Higher Self, instead of doing the things society expects from you.
The M stands for mindfulness. Here again, I can’t but fully agree with her! Part three of my book* talks about clearing out your mind, your false beliefs, old thinking patterns…. And learning how to steer** your thoughts, here and now.
Living here, in the moment, in the now, BEING, will bring you so much more joy. Don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen yourself. Schedule things, schedule silence, (un)do things now that will bring you closer to being you.
The A stands for anxiety reduction. What triggers your anxiety? What is it that starts this vicious circle in which you spiral down energetically, emotionally? Recognize what chain of actions you perform that gets you to that low vibrational frequency. Break that chain of actions by changing just one thing. Start by taking a deep breath. Take 1 minute of just being: sit down, put your hands on your heart and become quiet. Start small, and you’ll see that once that circle is broken, you get to choose your next step. And then the next and before you know it, you’ve created*** a whole new habit!
The C stands for communicating. We talk all the time but we are hardly ever communicating. Communicating is, really engaging in the conversation. You can communicate with words and focus on hearing what the other person says, focus on listening and asking questions to make sure you’ve understood correctly. But one can also communicate on an energetic level. You can send out a message on an energetic level. People feel you and you, when you really tap into that person’s energy field, feel them. This is possible with someone close by, but also with people far away or in another realm**** even. Therefor when you speak: ‘feel’ your words, make sure that what you say and what you feel are the same. Otherwise, there’ll be a disharmony, a blockage of energy, a discrepancy, a non-distinct friction***** in your body that will drain your energy.
Mahatma Gandhi said:
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.”
The K stands for kindness. This is a virtue I absolutely invite everybody to live by. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself in the same way you would talk to your best friend. The kinder you are towards yourself, the more you let your power return to yourself. By being kind and getting your inner power back, you won’t need outer circumstances to feel happy. You’ll know your own values, you’ll live by them, you’ll feel your strength and you’ll have all the tools to live harmoniously, to live from your Higher Self, to be compassionate, to feel connected, to shift to a high vibrational frequency, to BE YOU. As we all know, you attract what vibrates on your frequency, so vibrate on the frequency of kindness, of love and you’ll attract kind and loving things.
My invitation to you all this week is:
write down what will turn your life into:
a life you want to live,
a life you feel as being a good life according to your values,
a life you won’t regret,
a life full of love and kindness,
a life of being, instead of doing all the time.
Choose one picture, or one word written down on a piece of paper (or on your bathroom mirror!) that symbolizes this ‘dream’ life,
hang it somewhere you will see it every day.
Every time you see this picture, or word,
reflect for a moment what you’ve been (not) doing to make it happen.
Take a pen and paper and start writing. Write down how you can come closer to ‘being’.
Write it down because your brain files written words as something important because:
you’ve thought about it,
you’ve put those thoughts into words, inside your head,
you’ve put those words down in writing, on paper!
Your brain has sent signals to your muscles to actually write it down.
All this makes it important to your brain, to your mind, to you.
Read that note every evening before you go to bed.
Then write down the tiny step(s) you’ll take
the next day, the next week.
Evaluate every month how it’s going.
Here again,
be kind to yourself!
Otherwise, if you’re harsh to yourself, you’ll change your vibrational energy and you’ll attract what you don’t want.
Build you dream life
step by step,
day by day,
week by week.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in one day either.
Before you know it,
you’ll have created a new life, a life of more ‘being’.
Good luck!!
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*‘Less is Yes!’ by Katrien Degraeve.
**’Which Thoughts Are You Feeding?’ Article by Katrien Degraeve.
***’The Trouble is, It’s All Up to You, The Good Thing is, It’s All Up to You.’ Article by Katrien Degraeve.
****’Dying To Be Me.’ By Anita Moorjani.
*****’The Energy Codes.’ by Dr. Sue Morter.