Waking up not worrying about anything, going to bed and falling asleep easily and naturally, not rushing through the day, taking the time to look around and actually seeing what is surrounding you, taking time for and enjoying your meals, having plans but no to do-lists, no phone, no e-mails.

Does this sound like heaven or your worst nightmare?

Do we even know how to completely unplug?

Do we allow ourselves to become this relaxed, or are we afraid the world will stop spinning when we’re not participating in the rat race all the time?

As the summer holidays are coming up, consider this to be an opportunity to reflect, to make an inventory of how your body feels, how your mind feels, how you are doing in life?

Whatever feels off in your life, almost everything benefits from less.

You can heal almost anything by being less busy, by taking time to listen to your body, by listening to what your heart is telling you.

Is your body tired? Out of shape? Do you suffer from an illness, an injury?

Make an inventory of what you’re asking of your body and see how you can make your lifestyle more ‘body-friendly’.

Take a good look at what you’re eating and drinking.

Give your body energy by eating pure and healthy stuff, by drinking water, by not eating too much. When you’re stuffing yourself with junk, with sugars, with alcohol, with food that is prepared with too much fats, salt, all kinds of preservatives and additives, your body will protest in one way or another. You’ll either get overweight, get sick or it will rob you from a goodnight sleep. Maybe you’ll not even link what your body is telling you with what you’re eating and drinking, but there absolutely is a link between what you’re eating and how your body is feeling.

Do you sleep well? Do you sleep enough?

Sleep is the way your body heals, is the time where your body recovers. Sleep is necessary for your mind to process what you’ve experienced during the day. Sleep is absolutely essential to be and stay healthy. I’ve written in previous articles* how important sleep is and how you can restore a healthy sleep pattern. Take some time to create this evening ritual. Go to bed early and at the same time every day. Make sure you wind down before going to bed: no more phone, e-mails, to do lists. Prepare your body by not eating or drinking alcohol just before going to bed. Create a ritual for the time before you hit the pillow: relax, do some breathing exercises, meditate, do some yoga. Prepare your mind to go to sleep: read a relaxing book, write in your gratitude journal, count all of your blessings, think positive and grateful thoughts. Go to bed in a decluttered**, well aired, fresh bedroom and you’ll sleep a restful sleep.

Is your body out of shape?

When was the last time you exercised? When was the last time you went for a walk? Rode a bike? How do you feel when walking the stairs?

We don’t need to be gold-medals-winning-athletes, no, not at all. All we need to do, is honor our bodies. Making sure it’s in good condition, making sure we stay in shape, helping our body to remain in an optimal condition so that we can age gradually and with as much strength and flexibility as possible.

Why is this so important?

The better our body feels, the better we feel. The more we take care of our body, the more energetic we feel. The more our body is in good shape, the more it is an asset in life. Even for people suffering from an injury or an illness, taking as good care as possible of your body, will make a difference! Consider your body a precious gift you’ve been given for the time we spend here on earth. The better we take care of it, the more and the longer we get to enjoy it.

What about our mind? Does it feel like there is a pinball machine installed in your head?

Are we acting like we’re a slave to our thoughts? Do we feel like we’re a victim that can’t escape all of those thoughts swirling around in our head?

Here again, less is the answer. Less input.

Stop feeding your mind all the time. Whether it’s garbage or interesting stuff, take a break from the constant input!

We won’t become unaware of what is going on in the world because we do not listen to every news update, they’re broadcasting. We do not need to read all there is written. Relax, you’ll never accomplish this anyway, so stop trying to achieve this goal. Be very specific in what you want to read. Not all that is interesting needs to be read. You’ll only get frustrated because, as I have said, it’s impossible to read it all.

Stop exhausting your mind with the constant scrolling on social media. Even if it is funny, or ‘relaxing’ it is still input. Give your mind a break. Your phone is an addiction. You don’t believe me? Okay, no phone for one week during your next holiday. I can already feel you panicking: “Are you out of your mind? I need my phone!” Do you really? How about all those centuries there was no phone? People managed. I know, I know, times have changed and we need to evolve too. But I am talking about a week during your holidays. Just be, just breathe, just relax, just enjoy the scenery, just enjoy the people you’re with, or enjoy just being all by yourself. Try it. Experience for yourself how it can feel without the constant-checking-your-phone. Your mind needs to get time to relax. Your mind needs to be free of worry. Your mind needs to just be for a while.

Stop letting your thoughts run the place. I know we have between 60 000 and 80 000 thoughts every day so that really is a lot. But we do not need to be slaves to them. We can choose whether we let them stay or not. Whenever you worry, whenever you feel you’re on the treadmill of negative thoughts, say STOP! Say it. I mean it, say the word stop. This will already break this endless cycle of having the same thought. Then just ask yourself: “Is this getting me closer to a solution?” I bet the answer is NO. Then just actively redirect your mind to a positive thought, or focus on some deep breaths. Do something so that your mind stops going back to this useless thought. A very simple exercise to get your mind of a specific thought is to: name 5 things you’re seeing right now, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you taste. It’s very simple but effective to break that circle of negative thinking. You are in charge of your thoughts, don’t let it be the other way around. I know it takes some practice but it is so worth it! It sets you free! It makes you realize that thoughts are only thoughts. You can override them. Choose what you want to focus on.

Why is this so important?

When your mind is in constant overload, it gets exhausted. You won’t be able to focus properly, your memory will function poorly, you’ll feel stressed out, you’ll fly off the handle more easily, you can’t seem to see solutions to problems anymore, … You feel overwhelmed, less joyful, less happy. Give your mind a rest. Only let in what you want to. Get rid of the excess, of the things that are polluting your mind.

All this getting more relaxed, more peaceful, healthier, in better shape, … will lead you to a place where you can hear your heart again.

Once there is space in between what you do, in between what you think, there is that silence, that joy of just being. It’s where you’ll hear the real you again. That’s where you’ll reconnect with who you really are, with what it is you really enjoy, with what you really came here to do. That’s where you’ll find peace. That’s where you’ll feel completely rested, content. That’s where you’ll see what you want and what you need, to be happy with who and where you are in life. Sometimes you are already there, sometimes you’ll need to make some changes. But you first have to become completely rested, completely free of the turmoil in your head to be able to hear what your heart is telling you.

I wish you all a very fine journey back to your heart. It’ll take some courage to get there but it is so worth it! It also is the place where you will heal from all that you’re suffering from right now. Start the journey-to-less, and you’ll find so much more peace, joy, and happiness.

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*’Nighttime: Sweet Dreams or Waking Hours?’ by Katrien Degraeve

**’Less is Yes!’ by Katrien Degraeve







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