I am not talking about Valentine’s Day love, although that is beautiful too, I am talking about being love, living love, radiating love, seeing love everywhere.

Be courageous enough to always act from love, to see love in anyone and everything because there is love in ALL. We are all created from this Source called love, so by nature, we ARE love. It’s only in growing up, in facing setbacks that we seem to lose our connection to our Inner Being, to Love, to our True Self. We start building our Protective Self, aka our Ego, because we think that is what we need to survive in this world. When we live from a place of fear, from our ego, all we do is survive. I don’t think that is what we are here for, surviving. I believe we are meant to live, to feel abundant, to love, to see the beauty in everything, to be grateful for all the greatness that surrounds us.
I love this quote from John Randolph Price*:
“Until you transcend the ego, you can do nothing but add to the insanity of the world.”
For me, this quote says it all. As long as we let our ego dictate how we think, how we feel, how we act, all we will be doing is adding to the insanity of the world. Our ego keeps us trapped in a world of lacking, of fear, of competition, of anger, in a world of discontentment, of feeling alone…. These are all low vibrational feelings, feelings that can never make us live a happy, content life. Is that the life you want? I can’t imagine you do.
Now that Valentine’s Day is over, where we were all reminded of blissful, romantic love and seeing beautiful red hearts everywhere, EXPAND your thoughts of love. Think of love in a bigger way, not only love for your partner, for your children, … but expand your love to all there is.
We are all part of the Universe, we are all here on this earth with a purpose, make it your purpose to live from a place of love!
You’ll notice that once you start thinking from a place of love, once you start feeling loving kindness, you’ll start acting from a place of love. The more you do this, the more you’ll feel a complete shift in your life. You’ll feel happier and you’ll start seeing things in a different light, you’ll see more clearly, you’ll know what is important and what not, you’ll know what you want in life and what not. The world will look brighter and you’ll feel so much better!
Being grateful brings you to that place of love. Gratitude is a form of love, it’s an appreciation of all there is, it’s saying thank you for all the beauty, all the love and kindness there is in this world. It’s a choice we make. As Albert Einstein said:
“The most important decision we ever make, is whether we believe in a friendly universe or a hostile universe.”
I choose to believe in a friendly universe.
Choosing to believe in a hostile universe, is a choice made by the ego, it’s a choice made from a place of fear, of competition, of lack. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to choose living on this low vibrational frequency? The Law of Attraction Is very clear: we attract what we send out, we attract what we think. Where focus goes, energy flows.
By choosing to believe in a friendly universe, we attract friendliness.
It all seems so simple, doesn’t it? And still, it is so hard to live by….
It’s, as I’ve written in one of my previous articles**, all up to you. It’s a choice you have to make day after day, hour after hour until it has become your way of thinking, your way of being. It’s a thing you can practice, it’s a choice you keep making over and over again. Every time you think a negative thought, replace it with a positive one. No matter how small, it’s important to practice love, to practice kindness, to practice gratitude and you will see your world changing. As dr. Wayne W. Dyer says:” When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Change your point of view, change your perception** and you’ll notice there is another ‘truth’ possible. Choose to believe the positive angle.
Buddha said:
What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.
Think about the fact that we all originate from love, that we all have love in us, even though it may be hidden very deeply, it is there. Believe in it and you’ll make it (re-)surface in you and in everyone around you.
Feel love, gratitude for everything in your life. The more you feel grateful, the more things you will start seeing to be grateful for, the more beautiful your world will become.
Imagine yourself as you would like to be, as your best self. Create this image and believe it’s who you can be, see yourself as this beautiful creature that has come into this world with a purpose. Love this person and do everything you can to be that person.
Keep this up and see what happens. Even if you do not believe yet you can change anything, just flip your thoughts over towards positive, kind thoughts and practice gratitude. The more you do it, the more you will start believing because it really DOES change your world. Believe it and you’ll see it happening!
I wish you all lots and lots of kindness and love, and make it your purpose to extend Valentine’s Day to a Valentin’s Year, to a Valentin’s Life.
Love is what we are made of.
Love is what is our purpose in life.
Life is Love, Love is Life.
Thank you all for being here, for reading me, it’s a pleasure to have you all in my life!
Author of « Less is Yes! »
*“A Spiritual Philosophy for the new world” by John Randolph Price
**”The Trouble Is: It’s All Up To You. The Good Thing is: It’s All Up To You.” By Katrien Degraeve