
No more enemies…, no more hatred. How can we get there?

Why do we feel hatred? What stops us from liking people, from agreeing with people? Do we actually know the people we hate? Do we make an effort to connect with them, to communicate with them? Or do we get so lost in our hatred towards them, that we believe we’re 100%...

Being completely rested….do you even remember how it feels?

Waking up not worrying about anything, going to bed and falling asleep easily and naturally, not rushing through the day, taking the time to look around and actually seeing what is surrounding you, taking time for and enjoying your meals, having plans but no to...

Treat people as good as you are, not as bad as they are…

How do you react when people are not nice to you? Do you give them a piece of your mind? Do you look for a way of retaliating? Or Do you pause, take a deep breath and think about the person you want to be? I know that when we allow ourselves that knee jerk reaction,...

To Gossip or Not to Gossip….

Have you ever tried not gossiping for a whole week? I bet it was a very silent week…. Do you often feel yourself getting sucked in into a ‘good juicy story’ about someone? Do you secretly feel good about yourself when you hear of someone else slipping up? Why is it...

Surfing or fighting the waves of life?

I often like to start my blogs with a quote, a question or a statement: here’s the one for this week. “Life will always challenge you in order to bring you from rigidity to flexibility, from controlling to allowing.” Panache Desai. We all have plans, we all have goals...

Promise Yourself…

“Promise Yourself… To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to do the best you can. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forgive the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements in the present....

Create an Environment that Makes You Happy.

I just came across this beautiful sentence: “Surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.” I immediately liked it!!I really believe in surrounding yourself with nice, kind people. It’s like preparing the soil to grow new plants....

Stop Blaming Others for What Happens in Your Life.

My mentor Dr. Sue Morter and her colleague Marci Shimoff say it so accurately: And I really do believe that is the only way to feeling happy, to living your life to the fullest. No blaming As long as we keep pointing the finger at someone else for how we are feeling...

Free up Your Mind! Pave the Road to Happiness!

It may seem a little bizarre that you can actually 'declutter' your mind, but you can! Just think for a moment about all the stuff that is holding you back, about all the thoughts that make you unhappy, about all the judging you do, about all the things your ego is...

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