
Self-Care: Vital or Luxury?

These days we hear a lot about: self-care, loving yourself, making sure you do not get depleted. And how do you react when you hear those messages? Yeah, but I don’t have time for that, you don’t know what goes on in my life. I know, but first this situation has to...

Never Give Up Hope!

Do you agree with this statement or do you think this is just fooling yourself? Does hope give you strength, or do you consider hope as just wishful thinking? I strongly believe in never giving up hope. Hope makes you vibrate on a higher frequency, a frequency of...

Feeling Good Is an Inside Job.

I heard this sentence last week in one of the podcasts on ‘Humanitys Team’ and it really resonated with me. That’s exactly what it is, I thought! I’ve already written a lot of blogs about the fact that ‘it is all up to you*’, and that ‘you can feel good** even if the...

Adding Pleasure to Your Life or Burden?

Most of the time we’re talking about letting go, about simplifying our house, our calendar, our life, about getting rid of what we already have, of what we’re already doing. But are we conscious about what we’re letting in? About what we keep on accepting? About what...

Fall is Nature’s Way of Letting Go.

Fall is such a beautiful season. The colors are magnificent, even more beautiful than any artist could ever create. The trees give us their fruits, animals prepare for wintertime. Juices stop flowing or flow at a calmer pace, leaves are being shed. Nature knows it is...

Always Striving but Never Arriving….*

Do you often feel like this? Do you feel you’re always working, struggling, doing more, … and yet never have that feeling of being where you want to be, of being enough, of having enough, of having ‘arrived’, …? If your answer is ‘yes’, then it’s high time you take a...

Inner Peace, Inner Calm = Your Quality of Life.

As I read Dan Pedersen’s post the other day, I couldn’t agree more with what he wrote: “…Nobody can give you the inner peace you need….” That is so true! It’s scary and reassuring at the same time. Scary because it’s up to you*, and reassuring that you are the one in...

Where Do You Belong?

Do you often feel as if you’re alone in this world, as if no one understands you? Do you often feel like an outsider, as if you don’t belong? Stop feeling sad and alone and use these feelings as an invitation to look very closely at the people around you: Who are...

7 steps to living a joyful, relaxed and fulfilling life.

What people ask me most is: How can I feel happy? How can I be content when there is so much turmoil going on around me? How can I remain relaxed and have peace in my mind? It actually is all about choosing your thoughts*, about choosing how you will interpret what is...

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