The title of this blog: “You manifest what you are, not what you want.” is a quote from dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

It made me pause, and ponder over for some time.

Don’t we manifest what we want?

Isn’t that the whole idea, I thought?

But I let the idea settle in, let my brain go over and around that sentence, without trying to steer it, and yes, the longer I let it marinate in my mind, the more it made perfectly sense.

We manifest what we are, because we manifest what is vibrating on the frequency that we are vibrating on. We can want all we wish for, but if we do not let our actions be in sync with how we want things to be in our lives, of course we won’t manifest it. We have to think, we have to act, we have to be, we have to follow through with our actions on what it is we want to manifest.

I am currently doing the 21-day manifestation challenge with Gabby Bernstein* and I try to keep in mind what Dr. Wayne Dyer said:

“You manifest what you are.”

During my manifestation challenge, I try to be what I want to manifest.

Every time I feel myself drifting away from what I envision, I call myself back to thinking, feeling, and acting the way I want to be and feel in life.

It’s very challenging at times, because we live in our routines, people around us keep saying and doing the same things, so we really need to focus on our vision of who we want to be, and how we want to live our lives, so that we don’t get sucked in in the day-to-day routine and hence, think, feel and do the same things over and over again.

I was reading the quote of the day in ’The Daily Stoic’**, and on January 16th I read: “Never do anything out of habit”, a verse of Musonius Rufus, 6.25.5-11.

That is exactly how we live 90+% of our lives. We learned something, and we just keep doing it, the way we’ve learned it, without even asking ourselves questions about it anymore. And of course, sometimes that is a good thing, but it is also a sneaky, invisible threat to not questioning anything anymore.

Not consciously thinking about what, and how we do things, is mind numbing, is short sighted and even dangerous at times.

My invitation to you all, is:

Keep asking yourself questions:

Is this really the best way to do it?

Is this how I want to be?

Is this how I want my life to look like?

Be honest.

Listen to what your heart answers.

And then, the most important part: act upon it!

Do what you need to do to manifest the life that you want, to manifest the person that you want to be. You can’t just wait for it to happen. Dreaming of it, is not enough.

Be very clear on who the person, who is residing deep down in you, really is.

Be specific.

Visualize in detail what you need to do, in order to let that real you appear.

Feel how it is to be that real you.

Do everything in order to become that real you, every day, not just in your mind, or in your visualizations, but in everyday life.

The more you act upon your thinking, feeling and doing, what it is you want to manifest, the more you will manifest it because you then start living it, you then start living on this vibrational frequency of what it is you want to manifest.

The longer you practice, the easier it becomes, until it is completely who you are, always. The advantage of us being creatures of habit***, is that, once we’ve created new habits, it becomes easy to live that way. But always stay vigilant, because the creature of habit can become lazy, and not open to challenge whether it is still its best version.

Always keep reflecting.

Always keep asking questions.

As we evolve every day, we need to keep our actions optimal to be continuously living up to our current optimal self.

Good luck!! Enjoy living your real you!

Thank you all for reading me, and for supporting me on Medium! If you want unlimited access to all of my articles and many other authors, you can become a Medium Member and you’ll be supporting me and all the other authors. Many, many thanks to you all!!!


*’Dear Gabby’ podcast, app, and books by Gabrielle Bernstein.

**’The Daily Stoic’ by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.

***’The Trouble is, is All Up to You, The Good Thing is, it’s All Up to You.’ Medium article by Katrien Degraeve.


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