
Silence, the Silent Healer.

Where do we still find absolute silence? When do we, consciously, seek silence? Why are we so afraid of silence, of being confronted with ourselves? Everywhere around us, there is always noise, there is always auditive, and other, input. And even when there is...

“Count Your Blessings” Just a Cliché? Or the Way to Happiness?

Last week* I talked about my falling down and breaking one of my vertebrae, so you can imagine the joy I felt this morning, when I could put on my socks, for the very first time, all by myself again. 🙂 It’s mind blowing what we all take for granted. Me too, even...

All and Everything in Life is Our Teacher.

Whenever my boys used to come home from school, and complain about, a teacher having behaved in a very power-abusing way, or having experienced an unfairness, I always said to them: “Remember the way you feel now, as a lesson, so that, you yourself, never become like...

You Manifest What You Are, Not What You Want.

The title of this blog: "You manifest what you are, not what you want." is a quote from dr. Wayne W. Dyer. It made me pause, and ponder over for some time. Don’t we manifest what we want? Isn’t that the whole idea, I thought? But I let the idea settle in, let my brain...

Everybody Says Go-Go-Go, I say Stop!

I am grateful and honored that you take the time to read my blogs, and at the beginning of this new year, I would like to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, all the best for 2025.  And I really mean what is best for YOU, not what society dictates is good for you,...

If You’re Down, Stop Digging.

I once heard someone say this, and I thought, yes, I completely agree. If you’re down, stop digging deeper. Look up, instead of down. Look at how you want to feel, instead of exploring all this negativity deeper and deeper. You’re still wallowing in this darkness when...

Rush No More…

“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. This week, I came across an article by Courtney Carver*, one of my inspiring mentors, about being patient. And it really resonated with me. This month is all about peace, warmth, Christmas...

“Transform Discontentment into Gratitude”

I heard dr. Wayne W. Dyer* read the following from his book ‘Change your thoughts, change your life’: “Discontentment is the biggest tragedy”. This made me pause. That is so true, I thought. There is so much discontentment, and that truly is, a tragedy. So much...

Fitting In or Belonging, Obligations or Choices.

Christmas is coming up and here we go again: gifts, decorations, family gatherings, … Do you already feel the pressure rising? Do you feel obligated to follow the “holiday traditions”? Do you feel free to choose how you will spend Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or not at...

Life Is What We Make of It.

Yes, life is indeed, what we make of it. It's how we choose to look at it. I know, I hear you, I get a lot of protest when I say this. But actually, only from those who do not take full responsibility for all that is happening in their lives. Do things happen outside...

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