by webmaster webmaster | 8/04/22 | Uncategorized
Every day, we take steps, one after the other, that’s how we move forward, that’s how we go through life. Be conscious of the path you create, as it is …. YOUR LIFE you are creating. Every day, we wake up and there is a whole new day available. It’s like a blank...
by webmaster webmaster | 1/04/22 | Uncategorized
It’s never easy, it’s never something we want, and yet we so often have to do it in life…. If you want to look at life from a pessimistic point of view, life is a series of goodbyes, there is always someone or something we have to say goodbye to. In fact, every moment...
by webmaster webmaster | 4/03/22 | Ongecategoriseerd
Shake off the ‘winter layers’, get rid of all the excess and BREATHE again!!!! Listen… do you hear the birds singing? Do you hear nature awakening? Can you see the first blossoms on the trees? This is my favorite season: everything comes to life again! I love it! You...
by webmaster webmaster | 25/02/22 | Ongecategoriseerd
We spend most of our lives worrying about things that will never happen anyway… so why worry so much? I once read a funny, yet also inspiring, verse and it went like this: “Why worry? There are only 2 things to worry about: whether you are well or whether you are...
by webmaster webmaster | 18/02/22 | Ongecategoriseerd
I am not talking about Valentine’s Day love, although that is beautiful too, I am talking about being love, living love, radiating love, seeing love everywhere. Be courageous enough to always act from love, to see love in anyone and everything because there is love in...